2017 Monterey, CA, USA
Over 230 women and some men from around the world attended the Third International U*U Women's Convocation in Monterey, CA, USA, February 2017. An additional 32 people participated in an afternoon and evening program featuring Dr. bell hooks and emma’s revolution. Attending from outside the United States were 41 women (18%) from 13 countries: Australia, Bolivia, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Japan, New Zealand, Philippine Islands, Poland, Romania, and Switzerland. Participation included 31 young adults (13%), 18 from the U.S. and 13 from other countries. 24 U.S. states were represented.
Several keynote speakers addressed the theme of the Convocation, Weaving Global Partnerships…Forging a Just Future Together: Dr. bell hooks, feminist scholar and leading intellectual; Dr. Cecilia Conrad, economist and Managing Director of the MacArthur Fellows Program; Dr. Marcy Whitebook, Director of the Center for the Study of Child Care Employment at the University of California at Berkeley; and Soto Zen Priest Rev. Florence Caplow, who gave daily talks on the topic of Compassionate Action, which were paired with Chalice Circle meetings for in-depth discussion.
Participants attended the proceedings in their chosen program stream - Education, Health Care and Reproductive Justice, Violence Against Women, Leadership Development or Economic Opportunity - and worked in Global Sisters Groups to develop action plans for their stream.
IWC raised $41,625 for the Margot Adler Scholarship Fund to help women from outside the U.S. and young adults attend the Convocation. IWC also provided substantial discounts to UU ministers, directors of religious education, members of the Black Lives UU, workshop presenters, volunteers, and groups of two or more from any one congregation.
Participants left with action steps and ideas they can implement in their own congregations and communities. Plans are now under way for a Fourth International U*U Women’s Convocation in 2023.